The South Dakota Renewable Energy Association is a group of electric utilities, contractors, renewable energy developers and landowners devoted to the advancement of renewable energy in South Dakota. South Dakota Renewable Energy Association is expanding their mission to pursue a broader strategy to include renewable energy for the national clean energy transition to benefit of the state, our communities, Native American tribes, and our members.
Founded in 2008, as the South Dakota Wind Energy Association, the multi-disciplinary group of individuals and organizations working together to promote the growth and development of wind energy as an alternative energy source for South Dakota.
The growth and demand of wind energy generated nearly 24% of its electricity from wind power for South Dakota in 2019 – the 5th highest in the nation. Over 1,700 MW of installed wind power in South Dakota made South Dakota one of the fastest growing wind energy production states in the nation.
Renewable Energy provides Clean Power for South Dakota
Clean power invests in local South Dakota communities proving property, state and local taxes in 2022 totaling: $33.1 million.
Clean power projects provide extra income to farmers, ranchers, and other private landowners. In 2022, these drought-proof land lease payments totaled: $24.3 million.
Capital invested in wind, solar, and energy storage projects in South Dakota: $7 billion.
Share of all electricity produced in South Dakota that comes from wind, solar, and energy storage power plants: 54.3%. (State rank: 3rd)
Clean power projects provide extra income to farmers, ranchers, and other private landowners. In 2022, these drought-proof land lease payments totaled: $24.3 million.
Homes that can be powered by clean energy generated in South Dakota: 985,000.
In 2022, wind, solar, and energy storage plants in South Dakota avoided water consumption totaling: 5 billion gallons.
Metric tones of CO2 emissions avoided thanks to wind, solar and storage projects in South Dakota – equivalent to taking 2,190,000 cars off the road.
The clean power industry is an important job creator in South Dakota with a clean energy workforce of 2,600.
Wind development and capacity in South Dakota accounts for more than 2,000 jobs in our state. Five active manufacturing facilities help support wind energy development in our state. Over $3 billion in capital investments through wind energy development have been made in South Dakota. In addition to the capital investments, annual lease payments total approximately $9.8 million to landowners. Additionally, state and local tax payments from wind development projects top $9 million annually.
South Dakota set a renewable energy target of 10% by 2015. This target seeks to have at least 10% of all retail electricity sales be met through renewable sources. Wind energy is the chosen method for meeting this target. SDWEA is committed to making the 2015 goal a reality by supporting wind energy development and production through effective public policies.